Dropshipping On Marketplace vs. Website


πŸ–€ Thinking of starting an Online Boutique

πŸ–€ Thinking of considering Dropshipping


+ Opt-in for Marketplace?


+ Create your own Website?

Dropshipping on Marketplace vs. Website has been a topic of discussion for many since the concept of dropshipping has been gaining popularity and people are becoming aware of it. However, deciding on which platform to sell can be a little tricky if you just starting out.

Dropshipping On Marketplace vs. Website




Get Started

Marketplaces are easy to start with in comparison to the website. You simply create your account and you are in business.

Getting started with a website requires you to first register a domain, create a website or choose existing templates if using Shopify, WooCommerce or similar website hosting/creating platforms.


Listing on Marketplaces will incur you a small listing fee.

No listing fees if you have your own website. However, some platforms have monthly or yearly fees for hosting website.

Monitoring and Re-Listing

Marketplaces require you to monitor your listing and re-list after a certain time period.

No issue of monitoring or re-listing when it comes to selling on your website. The items once listing will not be removed unless you do it yourself.

Marketing, Audience

& Traffic

Marketplaces like Etsy, eBay, Amazon etc. get tons of traffic on their website which you can leverage to sell your products. Thereby giving you an opportunity to spend time learning the process & growing your business.

To get sales on your store, you’ll have to put in effort in terms of learning strategies, driving traffic using social media, SEO and other tactics.

Complexity of Listing Products

Listing on Marketplaces is easy. Fill out the information as required and your listing is up for view by your potential customers.

If you are using websites like Shopify or BigCartel to create your website, it's easy to list your items and sell. However, using websites like Wordpress can take a little longer and require practice to list products with speed.

Credibility and Trust

Marketplaces are renowned websites with tons of buyers and sellers. It’s a secure platform thereby giving the buyers an assurance that they are protected in case any issues or complexities arise.

Sellers may or may not be interested in buying from an independent website unless they are fully satisfied that they would get what they are looking for.


Marketplaces does not provide you with any option to customize your store.

Having your own website gives you the opportunity to customize it the way you like. You can change themes to match seasons, products or create a brand of your choice. Total freedom to do whatever you want.

Shut Down

Selling on marketplaces can turn tricky sometimes if you don't follow the rules & regulations of the website. I've read ample stories about eBay, Etsy or Amazon accounts being shut (because of seller's fault or miscommunication with the website). This can result in heavy losses or having to start from square one.

Your website, your rules. No-one to tell you what to do, no rules and regulations.

Final Verdict -

If you are a newbie just starting out, I'll advise you to start selling on a marketplace and use that as an opportunity to learn and explore not only dropshipping but also the world of e-commerce. You can save a lot of cost on website building, SEO, learning how to drive traffic etc. Marketplaces give you the audience to put your product in front. But, if you someone who has the knowledge, willingness to learn and be your own BOSS, have the freedom to do things your way and want the space to be creative, start your own Website.

Check out the following resources to get a head-start on setting up your Online Boutique -

πŸ–€ Online Boutique Launch Checklist

πŸ–€ How to choose the right platform for your Online Store


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